well hello there internet! what a surprise you are! we're pretty much on the beach in TOFINO (mackenzie beach) and just decided to try out the internet. and here you are! (thank you middle beach lodge for having yr signal just within our reach!)

it's been almost exactly 2 years since we've been here. on october 11th 2007 we got married right on chesterman beach outside the wickaninnish inn. and although we're not at that exact spot right now. not staying in the greatest hotel that has ever exsisted(in our very important opinions!) we are together. we are married. we are happy. and we are at home in tall guy.
speaking of being in tall guy.... this is the view that we have from sitting in bed...

the fact that there are rv's 3 feet on either side of us is almost forgotten.... almost....
just when we were starting to get settled we were greeted by burney/jeffery the cat who was very very pleased to see us. oh kitty. where do you belong? is it with us? if it is.. yr welcome to stay....

before and during the rain we started to explore the beach and our surroundings. and i'm betting there'll be another jaunt down there for the sunset.

it doesn't matter that it's raining. cuz we're all cozy together and the noise of rain on the roof is one of the most magical sounds that there could be. just please don't get any more of our books wet. pretty pretty please.
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