we spent night two at the beverly beach state park. people are so friendly there!
highlights include...
grilling pork chops over the fire.
sunset walk on the beach....
sitting 'round the campfire.
and the most luxurious of all.,.... a hot shower in the morning!!!!
oh wait.... we can't forget this hightlight....grant thinking the leaking water was from the sink... (but it really being from the toilet) and tasting it!!! hahahahahaahaha. grant says it's just the grey water. but i think he was tasting poo.
next stop was the yaquina head historic light house.
that was fun but the flies that congregated in mass quantities on us was not.
i mean. come on... we had JUST showered!!!
newport was next. as we couldn't wait to check out the syliva beach hotel.
but first... a stop at the thrift store. antique store. and post office were necessary. obviously!
we took a ton of pictures of syliva beach... but i think it deserves it's own post... so that will come later... along with.......
CAT TOWN!! in gold beach...
yes! it's what it sounds like... it's true.... it's a little town for cats .... houses... churches... a (half) lighthouse... and the cats and skunks and raccoons live together there harmoniously!!! it was the best thing i've ever seen!!! (more on this later!)
be excited guys... cuz when we have more time, and our computer battery isn't dying... you'll get to see those two glorious places!
right now we gotta go... there's a wallgreens parking lot that is waiting for us to sleep in!
yay today! yay this trip!
yay for life!
love anna and grant.
ps. WE'RE IN CALIFORNIA! (cresent city.)
I love this shot! And I love reading about your adventures. AMAZING
Hugs and love
i am also loving reading about your adventures, i like to pretend i hear your voice telling the story as i am reading them...xoxoxoxoxo
Yay for Cat Town! I can't believe how much you're doing... where's the rest and relaxation?
miss you guys
Hi friends,
Glad to know you're doing good. Went by your place and there hasn't been a break-in yet....fngers crossed!!
Keep on trucking (or should I say vanning?)
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