Wednesday, September 23, 2009

confession time...

oh geez. things have not been going my way today. partly due to outside forces. but i must admit... most due to my own stupidity.
to walk into a wall.. to trip and fall. to blurt out things that should probably stay in my head. to become (vocally) startled at loud noises or sudden movements ... those are all normal for me, in fact they have become such a part of my every day life i hardly even notice anymore.
today though. today i started to notice all these things. and there just seemed to be one after another. all day long. each one becoming glaringly more clear that i'm pretty much a big idiot!!! the most recent and "permanent" of today being i decided to dye my hair a nice deep copper. that on it's own seems like an ok decision. (not great. but ok.) it was forgetting to add one main ingredient to the mix untill after my hair had been soaked in the was then when i noticed a lonesome little container sitting on the bed. oh anna. anna anna anna. you silly girl. i didn't think i could possibly do one more stupid thing in this day. but apparently i could....i opened the forgotten container and just dumped it on my hair and hoped for the best. i mean it's just hair right...
well now it's done. in "permenant" hair colour... and (not) surprisingly i dont' like it. not because it's unevenly dyed. or that certain sections we're missed all together. not because i don't think it suits me cuz my eyebrows are invisibly blonde.... . but beacuse it's just one more stupid thing that i did today.
this,,, my friends. is my confession to you.



post script..
you know. now that i got this off my chest i actually feel much better! thank you!

post script number two...
actual blog of today coming up. (after a short-ish nap!... orrr... an overnight one.....)



Chelsea Jade said...

i don't think that these are stupid things and not just because i think you are brilliant, but because these are the things that make you you and also the things that when you look back at them are actually pretty funny!!
your hair btw looks so good!!!! what a beauty..xoxo

grant and anna. said...

this is one of the many many reasons why i love you! xo

Unknown said...

hair looks good!