Monday, August 31, 2009

last night. and this morning.

dinner party and overnight nap in the van last night!
coffee freshly ground in it this morning.
i think i can get use to this kind of life!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

drivedrivedrive around!

today we got our first road trip mixtape in the mail from our friend jaynus in montreal!
we've made a pact not to listen to it till we leave.
so that means i have to hide it in the glove compartment now as to not tempt myself!

Monday, August 24, 2009

and his beauty is revealed...

ladies and gentleman, friends and family, stalkers and creeps....

with great pride.... let us introduce you to... TALL GUY!!!!!

oh and we just learned that he's not a teenager like we had thought. but in his early twenties...
(was born in 1987) that's cool though... cuz everyone knows teenagers are all screwed up anyways....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

2 weeks today!!!!

ok. quick. well grants distracted... i'm gonna fill you in on the latest and greatest info on team gard late summer vantasy.
today we're going up island to work on the van. sleep in it. and possibly take it back home with us!!!
so we're gonna be playing "road trip". i'm telling you this cuz i'm not sure you can live without this information being told to you NOW. i'm right. right?! of course i am.
soon there will be pictures of "TALL GUY" up here. and you can gaze at his beauty and imagine what it would be like to drive down the coast cranking crooked fingers and driving high on caffine!!!! (and of course life!) PERFECTION!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

testing. testing. abc...

so on the request of dearest chelsea... i am blogging now. before we leave. which really is a good idea. as i have no clue what i'm doing and how to use this thing. now i can practice so when we're'll be all easy peasy!

so 16 days!!!! 16 DAYS!!!!!!!

we have yet to get the van. but my lovely lovely parents have been working hard on it.. making sure it's all safe and comfy for the gards late summer vantasy trip!

GOODBYE one bedroom apartment and HELLO 1990 dodge ram!!!! it's gonna be non stop world is our oystering!


oh and on grants days off we will actually blog together. he's busy making music now.
so really... this masterpiece... it's all me!!!!